open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.Patterns module Test = // // relies on at least surface-level knowledge of how F# quotations work let rec private moduleType = <@ moduleType @> |> function PropertyGet (_, info, _) -> info.DeclaringType let ModuleTypeQt = moduleType // // relies on the fact that Modules are actually implemented as static classes type private IAssemblyLocator = interface end let ModuleTypeTo = typeof.DeclaringType let sayHi<'a> () = printfn "Hello %A" (typeof<'a>.Name) // not a module, but is perhaps the most understandable to most devs coming in [] type Test private () = static member sayHi<'a> () = printfn "Hello %A" (typeof<'a>.Name) Test.ModuleTypeQt.GetMethod(nameof Test.sayHi).MakeGenericMethod(typeof).Invoke(null, [| |]) Test.ModuleTypeTo.GetMethod(nameof Test.sayHi).MakeGenericMethod(typeof).Invoke(null, [| |]) typeof.GetMethod(nameof Test.sayHi).MakeGenericMethod(typeof).Invoke(null, [| |])