open System open System.Linq let marks = [","; "."; "?"; "!"; "?!"] let rnd = new Random() let rec insert v i l = match i, l with | 0, h -> v::h | i, h::t -> h::insert v (i - 1) t | _, [] -> failwith "index out of range" let rec remove i l = match i, l with | 0, h::t -> t | i, h::t -> h::remove (i - 1) t | _, [] -> failwith "index out of range" let shuffleWord (input:string) = let result = Array.create input.Length '\000' printf "%A| " input let rec _shuffle (inp:list) ix = match ix with | 0 -> [inp.[0]] | _ -> let idx = rnd.Next(inp.Length - 1) inp.[idx] :: _shuffle (remove idx inp) (ix - 1) let w = match input.Length with | l when l = 1 -> [input.[0]] | l when l < 3 -> [input.[0]; input.[1]] | l when l = 3 -> [input.[0]; input.[2]; input.[1]] | _ -> let midPart = input.[1 .. input.Length - 2] |> List.ofSeq input.[0] :: (_shuffle midPart (midPart.Length - 1 )) @ [input.Last()] w |> (fun (c:char) -> c.ToString()) |> List.reduce (+) let rec shuffle (input:string) = let rec _clear (input:string) marks = match marks with | [] -> [input] | h::t -> if input.EndsWith(h) then (input.Substring(0, input.Length - 1)) :: [h] else _clear input t let rec _shuffle list = match list with | [] -> [] | h::t -> ((_clear h marks) |> shuffleWord) @ _shuffle t let arrayOfWords = (input.Split([|" "|], StringSplitOptions.None) |> List.ofArray) _shuffle arrayOfWords |> List.reduce (fun a b -> a + " " + b) shuffle "By the way code below was used as brain practice to shuffle this text."