module EarthSimilarityIndex // A planet: type Planet = { mass : float; radius : float; density : float; g : float; ve : float; a : float; Tsurf : float; Teq : float } // Some basic planetary numbers: let earth = { mass = 1.0; radius = 1.0; density = 1.0; g = 1.0; ve = 1.0; a = 1.0; Tsurf = 288.; Teq = 254. } let mars = { mass = 0.107; radius = 0.53; density = 0.71; g = 0.38; ve = 0.45; a = 1.52; Tsurf = 227.; Teq = 210. } let mercury = { mass = 0.0553; radius = 0.38; density = 0.98; g = 0.38; ve = 0.38; a = 0.39; Tsurf = 440.; Teq = 434. } // Same numbers but as arrays: let earthStats = [|earth.mass; earth.radius; earth.density; earth.g;; earth.a; earth.Tsurf; earth.Teq|] let marsStats = [|mars.mass; mars.radius; mars.density; mars.g;; mars.a; mars.Tsurf; mars.Teq|] let mercuryStats = [|mercury.mass; mercury.radius; mercury.density; mercury.g;; mercury.a; mercury.Tsurf; mercury.Teq|] // Weight all numbers equally: let weights = [|1.; 1.; 1.; 1.; 1.; 1.; 1.; 1.|] // As Array.fold but applying the given function to each element, and starting with the initial value x: let foldBy f x a = a |> Array.fold (fun acc elem -> f acc elem) x // Multiply up the values in an array: let pi a = a |> foldBy (*) 1. // Calculate the similarity index of two planets: let similarityIndex p1 p2 w = let n = p1 |> Array.length |> float Array.zip3 p1 p2 w |> (fun (p1Val, p2Val, wVal) -> (1. - abs((p1Val - p2Val) / (p1Val + p2Val)) ) ** (wVal / n)) |> pi // Calculate the Earth Similarity Index of any planet: let ESI = similarityIndex earthStats // Some similarity indices within the Solar System: let earthEarth = ESI earthStats weights // 1.0 let earthMars = ESI marsStats weights // 0.6276230757 let earthMercury = ESI mercuryStats weights // 0.5239652331