open System open System.Threading open System.Threading.Tasks type Async with static member Choice(tasks : Async<'T option> seq) : Async<'T option> = async { match Seq.toArray tasks with | [||] -> return None | [|t|] -> return! t | tasks -> let! t = Async.CancellationToken return! Async.FromContinuations <| fun (sc,ec,cc) -> let noneCount = ref 0 let exnCount = ref 0 let innerCts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource t let scont (result : 'T option) = match result with | Some _ when Interlocked.Increment exnCount = 1 -> innerCts.Cancel() ; sc result | None when Interlocked.Increment noneCount = tasks.Length -> sc None | _ -> () let econt (exn : exn) = if Interlocked.Increment exnCount = 1 then innerCts.Cancel() ; ec exn let ccont (exn : OperationCanceledException) = if Interlocked.Increment exnCount = 1 then innerCts.Cancel(); cc exn for task in tasks do ignore <| Task.Factory.StartNew(fun () -> Async.StartWithContinuations(task, scont, econt, ccont, innerCts.Token)) } // example 1 let delay interval result = async { do! Async.Sleep interval return! async { printfn "returning %A after %d ms." result interval return result } } [ delay 100 None ; delay 1000 (Some 1) ; delay 500 (Some 2) ] |> Async.Choice |> Async.RunSynchronously // example 2 /// parallel existential combinator let exists (f : 'T -> Async) (ts : seq<'T>) : Async = let wrapper t = async { let! r = f t in return if r then Some () else None } async { let! r = ts |> wrapper |> Async.Choice return r.IsSome } #time [1..500] |> Seq.exists (fun i -> Threading.Thread.Sleep 10; i = 500) [1..500] |> exists (fun i -> async { let! _ = Async.Sleep 10 in return i = 500 }) |> Async.RunSynchronously