module String = let join (v:seq) s = System.String.Join(s, v) let equalsOrdinalIgnoreCase a b = System.String.Equals(a, b, System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) module Union = open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection let getName (x:'a) = match FSharpValue.GetUnionFields(x, typeof<'a>) with case, _ -> case.Name let getInfo v t = FSharpType.GetUnionCases t |> Seq.tryFind (fun i -> String.equalsOrdinalIgnoreCase i.Name v) let makeUnion<'a> v = FSharpValue.MakeUnion(v, null) :?> 'a let parse<'a> v :'a option = let i = getInfo v typeof<'a> if i = None then None else Some <| makeUnion i.Value // let getCaseNames<'ty> () = FSharpType.GetUnionCases(typeof<'ty>) |> (fun info -> info.Name) type Descriptor = { Name : string; Description : string } let descriptor = { Name = null; Description = null } let environment = { Name = "Environment"; Description= "The simulate world is all of white, white space, white planet. Color, odor and position mean nothing here." } module AI = module Language = let localize v culture = if v = "Hello World" && culture = "zh-CN" then "您好" else v type Stat = Idle | Walking | Closed type Conversation = ``Hello world`` | ``Started walking`` | ``Already walking`` | ``Stoped walking`` | ``Just idle`` | Bye type Operator = { Culture : string } let defaultOperator = { Culture = "en-US" } let part = { descriptor with Description = "It's a part, I don't know how to use it." } type Machine = { Model : string; Parts : seq } type R = { Name : string; Stat : Stat; Operator : Operator; LastConversation : string; Body : Machine } let defaultMachine = { Model = "Simulate model 1130"; Parts = [ { part with Name = "Eyes" }; { part with Name = "Nose" }; { part with Name = "Feet"; Description = "Use feet for walking." } ] } let defaultAI = { Name = "AI"; Stat = Idle; Operator = defaultOperator; LastConversation = "Initialized."; Body = defaultMachine } let say v m = { m with LastConversation = Language.localize (Union.getName v + ".") m.Operator.Culture } let create operator = say ``Hello world`` { defaultAI with Operator = operator } let close m = say Bye { m with Stat = Closed } let walk m = if m.Stat = Idle then say ``Started walking`` { m with Stat = Walking } else say ``Already walking`` m let stop m = if m.Stat = Walking then say ``Stoped walking`` { m with Stat = Idle } else say ``Just idle`` m module Knowledge = let d = [ "I", "I am AI."; "Programmer", "Programmer is a_a."; "Operator", "You are operator." ] let s m = seq { for i in d -> { Name = fst i; Description = snd i } yield { Name = "Stat"; Description = Union.getName m.Stat } yield { Name = "Body"; Description = m.Body.Model } yield { Name = "Parts"; Description = sprintf "%s." <| String.join (m.Body.Parts |> (fun i -> i.Name)) ", " } for i in m.Body.Parts -> i yield { Name = "Actions"; Description = "Walk, Stop, Close." } } let get v m = let r = s m |> Seq.tryFind (fun p -> String.equalsOrdinalIgnoreCase p.Name v) if r = None then "I don't understand." else r.Value.Description let describe m = sprintf "%s\n%s\n%s\nI have these knowledge: %s.\nI can do these actions: %s\n" (get "I" m) (get "Programmer" m) (get "Operator" m) (String.join (s m |> (fun i -> i.Name)) ", ") (get "Actions" m) let name = "AI" let body = defaultMachine let knowledge v m = { m with LastConversation = Knowledge.get v m } let describe m = Knowledge.describe m open AI let talk f = let r = f printfn "%s: %s" r.Name r.LastConversation r let create o = let r = talk <| create o printfn "%s" <| describe r r //let create = talk <| create { defaultOperator with Culture = "zh-CN" } type Command = Walk | Stop | Exit | Close let proc m v = talk <| match Union.parse v with | Some c -> match c with | Walk -> walk m | Stop -> stop m | Exit | Close -> close m | None -> knowledge v m let sim o = async { let tracks = Seq.unfold (fun state -> if state.Stat = Closed then None else Some(state, proc state (System.Console.ReadLine()))) (create o) ignore <| Seq.length tracks } Async.StartImmediate <| sim defaultOperator