open System module Observable = /// Returns an observable that yields sliding windows of /// containing elements drawn from the input observable. /// Each window is returned as a fresh array. let windowed (count:int) (source:IObservable<_>) = { new IObservable<_> with member x.Subscribe(observer) = // Start an agent that remembers partial windows of length // smaller than the count (new agent for every observer) let agent = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun agent -> // The parameter 'lists' contains partial lists and their lengths let rec loop lists = async { // Receive the next value let! value = agent.Receive() // Add new empty list and then the new element to all lists. // Then split the lists into 'full' that should be sent // to the observer and 'partial' which need more elements. let full, partial = ((0, []) :: lists) |> (fun (length, l) -> length + 1, value::l) |> List.partition (fun (length, l) -> length = count) // Send all full lists to the observer (as arrays) for (_, l) in full do observer.OnNext(l |> Array.ofSeq |> Array.rev) // Continue looping with incomplete lists return! loop partial } // Start with an empty list of partial lists loop []) // Send incoming values to the agent source.Subscribe(agent.Post) }