open FSharp.Quotations open FSharp.Quotations.Evaluator open Swensen.Unquote open TypeShape open TypeShape_StagingExtensions // Rank-2 encoding of staged hashcode generator type StagedHashCodeGenerator = abstract Generate<'T> : Expr<'T> -> Expr // Variation of the Y combinator for generic staged hashode generators let Y : (StagedHashCodeGenerator -> StagedHashCodeGenerator) -> StagedHashCodeGenerator = fun F -> let rec aux (stack : Var list) (e : Expr<'a>) : Expr = match stack |> List.tryFind (fun v -> v.Type = typeof<'a -> int>) with | None -> // first time this type occurs in the stack, push fresh function variable // into stack and perform staged computation let selfVar = Var("func", typeof<'a -> int>) let tVar = Var("t", typeof<'a>) let nestedGen = mkRecursiveGen (selfVar :: stack) // generate the staged body for the given type let body = nestedGen.Generate (Expr.Cast<'a> (Expr.Var tVar)) // check whether type has been called recursively in the staged expression tree if body.GetFreeVars() |> Seq.exists ((=) selfVar) then // we are looking at a recursive type, wrap body inside a recursive function declaration let lambda = Expr.Lambda(tVar, body) let recExpr = Expr.Cast<'a -> int>(Expr.LetRecursive([selfVar, lambda], Expr.Var selfVar)) <@ (%recExpr) %e @> else // not a recursive type, just replace input variable with input expression Expr.Cast<_>(body.Substitute(function v when v = tVar -> Some (e :> _) | _ -> None)) | Some self -> // we are already inside a recursive call, just invoke the recursive function argument let selfExpr = Expr.Cast<'a -> int>(Expr.Var self) <@ (%selfExpr) %e @> and mkRecursiveGen stack : StagedHashCodeGenerator = F { new StagedHashCodeGenerator with member __.Generate e = aux stack e } mkRecursiveGen [] // The generic program itself let rec mkStagedHasher() = Y (fun self -> { new StagedHashCodeGenerator with member __.Generate expr = mkStagedHasherAux self expr }) and private mkStagedHasherAux<'T> (self : StagedHashCodeGenerator) (expr : Expr<'T>) : Expr = let unwrap () = unbox> expr let genHash () = Expr.lam (fun e -> self.Generate<'a> e) let combineHash (h1 : Expr) (h2 : Expr) = <@ let h1 = %h1 in let h2 = %h2 in ((h1 <<< 5) + h1) ||| h2 @> let stageMemberHash (shape : IShapeMember<'DeclaringType>) (dExpr : Expr<'DeclaringType>) = shape.Accept { new IMemberVisitor<'DeclaringType, Expr> with member __.Visit (shape : ShapeMember<'DeclaringType, 'FieldType>) = let fExpr = shape.ProjectExpr dExpr self.Generate fExpr } match shapeof<'T> with | Shape.Unit -> <@ 0 @> | Shape.Bool -> <@ if (% unwrap() ) then 1 else 0 @> | Shape.Int32 -> <@ (% unwrap()) @> | Shape.Double -> <@ hash (% unwrap()) @> | Shape.String -> <@ hash (% unwrap()) @> | Shape.Array s when s.Rank = 1 -> s.Accept { new IArrayVisitor> with member __.Visit<'t> _ = <@ match (% (unwrap() : Expr<'t[]>)) with | null -> 0 | ts -> let mutable agg = 0 for t in ts do let th = (% genHash() ) t agg <- (% Expr.lam2 combineHash) agg th agg @> } | Shape.FSharpOption s -> s.Accept { new IFSharpOptionVisitor> with member __.Visit<'t> () = <@ match (% (unwrap() : Expr<'t option>)) with | None -> 0 | Some t -> let th = (% genHash() ) t (% Expr.lam2 combineHash) 1 th @> } | Shape.FSharpList s -> s.Accept { new IFSharpListVisitor> with member __.Visit<'t> () = <@ let mutable agg = 0 let mutable ts = (% (unwrap() : Expr<'t list>)) while not(List.isEmpty ts) do let th = (% genHash() ) (List.head ts) agg <- (% Expr.lam2 combineHash) agg th ts <- List.tail ts agg @> } | Shape.Tuple (:? ShapeTuple<'T> as shape) -> let mkElementHasher tuple = shape.Elements |> (fun e -> stageMemberHash e tuple) |> (fun eh agg -> combineHash eh agg) |> Expr.update ("agg", <@ 0 @>) <@ let tuple = %expr (% Expr.lam mkElementHasher) tuple @> | Shape.FSharpRecord (:? ShapeFSharpRecord<'T> as shape) -> let mkFieldHasher record = shape.Fields |> (fun e -> stageMemberHash e record) |> (fun eh agg -> combineHash eh agg) |> Expr.update ("agg", <@ 0 @>) <@ let record = %expr (% Expr.lam mkFieldHasher) record @> | Shape.FSharpUnion (:? ShapeFSharpUnion<'T> as shape) -> let stageUnionCaseHasher (union : Expr<'T>) (tag : Expr) (case : ShapeFSharpUnionCase<'T>) = case.Fields |> (fun c -> stageMemberHash c union) |> (fun fh agg -> combineHash fh agg) |> Expr.update ("agg", tag) let stageUnionCaseHashers (u : Expr<'T>) (tag : Expr) = shape.UnionCases |> (stageUnionCaseHasher u tag) |> Expr.switch tag <@ let union = %expr let tag = (% Expr.lam shape.GetTagExpr) union (% Expr.lam2 stageUnionCaseHashers) union tag @> | _ -> failwithf "Unsupported shape %O" typeof<'T> // Compilation code let mkHashCodeExpr<'T> () = fun e -> mkStagedHasher().Generate<'T> e |> Expr.lam |> Expr.cleanup let mkHasher<'T> () = mkHashCodeExpr<'T>() |> QuotationEvaluator.Evaluate let decompileHasher<'T> () = mkHashCodeExpr<'T>() |> decompile // examples let hasher1 = mkHasher() hasher1 ([1 .. 100], Some "42") decompileHasher() //fun t -> // let mutable agg = 0 // agg <- let h1 = t.m_Item1 in (h1 <<< 5) + h1 ||| agg // agg <- // let h1 = // let tuple = t.m_Item2 // let mutable agg = 0 // agg <- let h1 = hash tuple.m_Item1 in (h1 <<< 5) + h1 ||| agg // agg <- let h1 = if tuple.m_Item2 then 1 else 0 in (h1 <<< 5) + h1 ||| agg // agg // (h1 <<< 5) + h1 ||| agg // agg type Foo = { A : int ; B : string } type Bar = | UA | UB of foo:string | UC of Foo let hasher2 = mkHasher() hasher2 [UA ; UC { A = 12 ; B = "test" }; UB "string" ] decompileHasher() //fun t -> // let tag = t.Tag // if tag = 0 then tag // elif tag = 1 then // let mutable agg = tag // agg <- let h1 = hash t._foo in (h1 <<< 5) + h1 ||| agg // agg // elif tag = 2 then // let mutable agg = tag // agg <- // let h1 = // let record = t.item // let mutable agg = 0 // agg <- let h1 = record.A@ in (h1 <<< 5) + h1 ||| agg // agg <- let h1 = record.B@.GetHashCode() in (h1 <<< 5) + h1 ||| agg // agg // (h1 <<< 5) + h1 ||| agg // agg // else invalidOp "invalid tag" type P = Z | S of P let hasher3 = mkHasher

() hasher3 (S (S (S (S (S Z))))) decompileHasher

() //fun t -> // let rec func t = // let tag = t.Tag // if tag = 0 then tag // elif tag = 1 then // let mutable agg = tag // agg <- let h1 = func t.item in (h1 <<< 5) + h1 ||| agg // agg // else invalidOp "invalid tag" // // func t