module CNTLLogParser type MiniBatch = { Epoch : int Epochs : int MbFrom : int MbTo : int Percent : float CE : float Times : float Err : float Time : System.TimeSpan SPS : float //samples per second } type EpochEnd = { Epoch : int Mode : string //train, test CE : float Times : float Err : float TotalSamples : int LR : float EpochTime : System.TimeSpan } type EpochStart = { Epoch : int LRSample : float Momentum : float MConstSamples : float } type LogMsg = | MB of MiniBatch | EE of EpochEnd | Unk of string | SE of EpochStart let delims = [| '['; ']'; ' '; '-'; ':'; '='; ';'; '*'; ','; '%' |] let private parseMinibatch (l:string) = // let l = "Epoch[ 1 of 100]-Minibatch[18481-18490]: CE = 0.48781250 * 250; Err = 0.18800000 * 250; time = 0.0271s; samplesPerSecond = 9216.3" // let l = "Epoch[83 of 100]-Minibatch[11591-11600, 62.43%]: CE = 0.55243750 * 250; Err = 0.24800000 * 250; time = 0.0344s; samplesPerSecond = 7276.3" let xs = l.Split(delims, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) // pattern 1 // [|"Epoch";0 "1";1 "of";2 "100";3 "Minibatch";4 "18481";5 "18490";6 "CE";7 // "0.48781250";8 "250";9 "Err";10 "0.18800000";11 "250";12 "time";13 "0.0271s";14 // "samplesPerSecond";15 "9216.3";16|] if xs.[7] = "CE" then { Epoch = int xs.[1] Epochs = int xs.[3] MbFrom = int xs.[5] MbTo = int xs.[6] Percent = 0. CE = float xs.[8] Times = float xs.[9] Err = float xs.[11] Time = System.TimeSpan.FromSeconds(xs.[14].Replace("s","") |> float) //System.TimeSpan.FromSeconds("0.0271s".Replace("s","") |> float) SPS = float xs.[16] //samples per second } // pattern 2 // [|"Epoch";0 "83";1 "of";2 "100";3 "Minibatch";4 "11591";5 "11600";6 "62.43%";7 "CE";8 // "0.55243750";9 "250";10 "Err";11 "0.24800000";12 "250";13 "time";14 "0.0344s";15 // "samplesPerSecond";16 "7276.3";17|] else { Epoch = int xs.[1] Epochs = int xs.[3] MbFrom = int xs.[5] MbTo = int xs.[6] Percent = float xs.[7] CE = float xs.[9] Times = float xs.[10] Err = float xs.[12] Time = System.TimeSpan.FromSeconds(xs.[15].Replace("s","") |> float) //System.TimeSpan.FromSeconds("0.0271s".Replace("s","") |> float) SPS = float xs.[17] //samples per second } let private parseEndEpoch (l:string) = // let l = "Finished Epoch[21 of 100]: [Training] CE = 0.47475340 * 464505; Err = 0.19504419 * 464505; totalSamplesSeen = 9754605; learningRatePerSample = 0.0080000004; epochTime=58.2492s" let xs = l.Split(delims, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) // [|"Finished";0 "Epoch";1 "21";2 "of";3 "100";4 "Training";5 "CE";6 "0.47475340";7 // "464505"8; "Err";9 "0.19504419";10 "464505";11 "totalSamplesSeen"12; "9754605";13 // "learningRatePerSample";14 "0.0080000004";15 "epochTime";16 "58.2492s";17 |] { Epoch = int xs.[2] Mode = xs.[5] CE = float xs.[7] Times = float xs.[8] Err = float xs.[10] TotalSamples = int xs.[13] LR = float xs.[15] EpochTime = System.TimeSpan.FromSeconds(xs.[17].Replace("s","") |> float) } let private parseStartEpoch (l:string) = // let l = "Starting Epoch 9: learning rate per sample = 0.008000 effective momentum = 0.900000 momentum as time constant = 237.3 samples" let xs = l.Split(delims, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) // [|"Starting";0 "Epoch";1 "9";2 "learning";3 "rate";4 "per";5 "sample";6 "0.008000";7 // "effective";8 "momentum";9 "0.900000";10 "momentum";11 "as";12 "time";13 "constant";14 // "237.3";15 "samples";16|] { Epoch = int xs.[2] LRSample = float xs.[7] Momentum = float xs.[10] MConstSamples = float xs.[15] } let cntkParse (l:string) = // printfn "parsing '%s'"l try if l.Length > 16 && l.IndexOf("Finished Epoch",0,16) >= 0 then parseEndEpoch l |> EE elif l.Length > 10 && l.IndexOf("Epoch", 0, 10) >= 0 then parseMinibatch l |> MB elif l.Length > 20 && l.IndexOf("Starting Epoch",0,16) >= 0 then parseStartEpoch l |> SE else Unk l with ex -> printfn "error: %s - in parsing '%s'" ex.Message l Unk l let filterMB = function MB _ -> true | _ -> false let filterEE = function EE _ -> true | _ -> false let chooseMB = function MB b -> Some b | _ -> None let chooseEE = function EE e -> Some e | _ -> None let chooseSE = function SE e -> Some e | _ -> None let excludeUnk = function Unk _ -> None | x -> Some x ///filter to use with tail function to reduce processing burden - excludes minibatch updates let tailFilterWihoutMB (s:string) = s.StartsWith("Finished") || s.StartsWith("Starting Epoch") ///warning: generates too much data for parsing to keep pace in most cases but may work for some models let tailFilterWithMB (s:string) = tailFilterWihoutMB s || s.StartsWith(" Epoch[") (* let mb = "Epoch[ 1 of 100]-Minibatch[18481-18490]: CE = 0.48781250 * 250; Err = 0.18800000 * 250; time = 0.0271s; samplesPerSecond = 9216.3" let mb2 = " Epoch[83 of 100]-Minibatch[11591-11600, 62.43%]: CE = 0.55243750 * 250; Err = 0.24800000 * 250; time = 0.0344s; samplesPerSecond = 7276.3" let ee = "Finished Epoch[21 of 100]: [Training] CE = 0.47475340 * 464505; Err = 0.19504419 * 464505; totalSamplesSeen = 9754605; learningRatePerSample = 0.0080000004; epochTime=58.2492s" cntkParse mb cntkParse ee cntkParse mb2 *) open System.IO //tail function to read the CNTK Error log file; cancel token to stop let tail filter (cts:System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource) file fPost = let rdr = new StreamReader(new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)) let off = ref rdr.BaseStream.Length let go = ref true let loop = async { try while true do do! Async.Sleep 100 if rdr.BaseStream.Length <> !off then rdr.BaseStream.Seek(!off,SeekOrigin.Begin) |> ignore let mutable l = rdr.ReadLine() while l <> null do if not cts.IsCancellationRequested then if filter l then fPost l l <- rdr.ReadLine() off := rdr.BaseStream.Position finally rdr.Close() printfn "closed tail %s" file } Async.Start(loop,cts.Token) (* tail usage: let file = @"C:\cntk\err\hoderr" let cts = new System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource() //snippet ref for below: let obs,fPost = Observable.createObservableAgent 100 cts.Token do tail tailFilterWihoutMB cts file fPost //cancel reading cts.Cancel() *)