module Yahoo open System open System.Net open System.Text open System.Web open System.IO open System.Security.Authentication open System.Runtime.Serialization // needs system.runtime.serialization; system.xml (* use datacontract defintiion of the record for serialization. [] type YahooPrice = { [] yahooSymbol : string ; [] day: string ; [] openPrice: float ; [] closePrice: float ; [] highPrice: float ; [] lowPrice: float ; [] adjustedClosePrice: float; [] volume: float; } *) type YahooPrice = { yahooSymbol : string ; day: string ; openPrice: float ; closePrice: float ; highPrice: float ; lowPrice: float ; adjustedClosePrice: float; volume: float; } type YahooRequest = { day: string; ticker: string ; } exception BadResults of string * string let historicalQuote (r:YahooRequest) = let date: string = let symbol: string = r.ticker let oops() = raise(BadResults(symbol, date)) let pad (i:int) = let s = i.ToString() ; if s.Length < 2 then "0" + s else s let yr = date.Substring(0,4) let mth = Int32.Parse(date.Substring(5,2)) - 1 let day = Int32.Parse(date.Substring(8,2)) let u = "" + symbol + "&a=" + pad(mth) + "&b=" + pad(day) + "&c=" + yr + "&d=" + pad(mth) + "&e=" + pad(day) + "&f=" + yr let request : HttpWebRequest = downcast WebRequest.Create(u) request.Method <- "GET" request.ContentType <- "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" let resultsArr = try let response = request.GetResponse() let result = try use reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()) reader.ReadToEnd(); finally response.Close() if result.Split('\n').Length < 2 then oops() if result.Split('\n').[1].Length < 2 then oops() if result.Split('\n').[1].Split(',').Length < 7 then oops() result.Split('\n').[1].Split(',') with | _ -> [|date; "-1"; "-1"; "-1"; "-1"; "-1"; "-1";|] { yahooSymbol = symbol ; day= resultsArr.[0] ; openPrice= Double.Parse(resultsArr.[1]); closePrice= Double.Parse(resultsArr.[4]); highPrice= Double.Parse(resultsArr.[2]); lowPrice= Double.Parse(resultsArr.[3]); volume= Double.Parse(resultsArr.[5]); adjustedClosePrice= Double.Parse(resultsArr.[6]); } let valu = historicalQuote {day="2010/04/26"; ticker="MSFT";}